
The idea of this notebook is to explore a step-by-step approach to create a K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm without the help of any third party library. In practice, this Algorithm should be useful enough for us to classify our data whenever we have already made clusters (in this case color) which will serve as a starting point to find neighbors.

1. Working Data

# Data to learn
RGB <-"RGB.csv"))
RGB$x <- as.numeric(RGB$x)
RGB$y <- as.numeric(RGB$y)
print("Working data ready")

1.1 Train and test sample generation

We will create 2 different sample sets:

# Training Dataset
smp_siz = floor(0.75*nrow(RGB))
train_ind = sample(seq_len(nrow(RGB)),size = smp_siz)
train =RGB[train_ind,]

# Test Dataset
OriginalTest <- test
paste("Training and test sets done")

1.2 Train Data

We can observe that our train data is classified in 3 clusters based on colors.

# We plot test colored datapoints
colsdot <- c("Blue" = "blue", "Red" = "darkred", "Green" = "darkgreen")
ggplot() + 
  geom_tile(data=train,mapping=aes(x, y), alpha=0) +
  ##Ad tiles according to probabilities
  ##add points
  geom_point(data=train,mapping=aes(x,y, colour=Class),size=3 ) + 
  scale_color_manual(values=colsdot) +
  #add the labels to the plots
  xlab('X') + ylab('Y') + ggtitle('Train Data')+
  #remove grey border from the tile

1.2 Test Data

Even though we actually know the color classification of our test data, we will try to create a model that’s able to guess it’s true color. For this, we will save our tests colors and compare them with our predictions to calculate our Model Accuracy.

# We plot test colored datapoints
colsdot <- c("Blue" = "blue", "Red" = "darkred", "Green" = "darkgreen")
ggplot() + 
  geom_tile(data=test,mapping=aes(x, y), alpha=0) +
  ##Ad tiles according to probabilities
  ##add points
  geom_point(data=test,mapping=aes(x,y),size=3 ) + 
  scale_color_manual(values=colsdot) +
  #add the labels to the plots
  xlab('X') + ylab('Y') + ggtitle('Test Data')+
  #remove grey border from the tile

Note: we have purposely forgot it’s classification colors in order to create a model that’s able to guess it

2. K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm

Below is a step-by-step example of an implementation of this algorithm. What we want to achieve is for each selected gray point above (our test values), where we allegedly don’t know it’s true color, find the nearest neighbor or nearest colored data point from our train values and assign the same color as this one.

In particular, we need to:

# We define a function for prediction
KnnL2Prediction <- function(x,y,K) {
  # Train data
  Train <- train
  # This matrix will contain all X,Y values that we want test.
  Test <- data.frame(X=x,Y=y)
  # Data normalization
  Test$X <- (Test$X - min(Train$x))/(min(Train$y) - max(Train$x))
  Test$Y <- (Test$Y - min(Train$y))/(min(Train$y) - max(Train$y))
  Train$x <- (Train$x - min(Train$x))/(min(Train$x) - max(Train$x))
  Train$y <- (Train$y - min(Train$y))/(min(Train$y) - max(Train$y))

  # We will calculate L1 and L2 distances between Test and Train values.
  VarNum <- ncol(Train)-1
  L1 <- 0
  L2 <- 0
  for (i in 1:VarNum) {
    L1 <- L1 + (Train[,i] - Test[,i])
    L2 <- L2 + (Train[,i] - Test[,i])^2
  # We will use L2 Distance
  L2 <- sqrt(L2)
  # We add labels to distances and sort
  Result <- data.frame(Label=Train$Class,L1=L1,L2=L2)
  # We sort data based on score
  ResultL1 <-Result[order(Result$L1),]
  ResultL2 <-Result[order(Result$L2),]
  # Return Table of Possible classifications
  a <- prop.table(table(head(ResultL2$Label,K)))
  b <-
  return(as.character(b$Var1[b$Freq == max(b$Freq)]))

3. Finding the correct K paremeter using Cross Validation

For this we will use a method called “cross validation”. What this means is that we will make predictions within the training data itself and iterate this on many different values of K for many different folds or permutations of the data.

# We will use 5 folds
FoldSize = floor(0.2*nrow(train)) 

# Fold1
piece1 = sample(seq_len(nrow(train)),size = FoldSize ) 
Fold1 = train[piece1,]
rest = train[-piece1,] 

# Fold2
piece2 = sample(seq_len(nrow(rest)),size = FoldSize)
Fold2 = rest[piece2,]
rest = rest[-piece2,] 

# Fold3
piece3 = sample(seq_len(nrow(rest)),size = FoldSize)
Fold3 = rest[piece3,]
rest = rest[-piece3,] 

# Fold4
piece4 = sample(seq_len(nrow(rest)),size = FoldSize)
Fold4 = rest[piece4,]
rest = rest[-piece4,] 

# Fold5
Fold5 <- rest

# We make folds
Split1_Test <- rbind(Fold1,Fold2,Fold3,Fold4)
Split1_Train <- Fold5

Split2_Test <- rbind(Fold1,Fold2,Fold3,Fold5)
Split2_Train <- Fold4

Split3_Test <- rbind(Fold1,Fold2,Fold4,Fold5)
Split3_Train <- Fold3

Split4_Test <- rbind(Fold1,Fold3,Fold4,Fold5)
Split4_Train <- Fold2

Split5_Test <- rbind(Fold2,Fold3,Fold4,Fold5)
Split5_Train <- Fold1

# We select best K
OptimumK <- data.frame(K=NA,Accuracy=NA,Fold=NA)
results <- train

for (i in 1:5) {
  if(i == 1) {
    train <- Split1_Train
    test <- Split1_Test
  } else if(i == 2)  {
    train <- Split2_Train
    test <- Split2_Test
  } else if(i == 3)  {
    train <- Split3_Train
    test <- Split3_Test
  } else if(i == 4)  {
    train <- Split4_Train
    test <- Split4_Test
  } else if(i == 5)  {
    train <- Split5_Train
    test <- Split5_Test
    for(j in 1:20) {
      results$Prediction <- mapply(KnnL2Prediction, results$x, results$y,j)
      # We calcuylate accuracy
      results$Match <- ifelse(results$Class == results$Prediction, 1, 0)
      Accuracy <- round(sum(results$Match)/nrow(results),4)
      OptimumK <- rbind(OptimumK,data.frame(K=j,Accuracy=Accuracy,Fold=paste("Fold",i)))
OptimumK <- OptimumK [-1,]
MeanK <- aggregate(Accuracy ~ K, OptimumK, mean)
ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data=OptimumK,mapping=aes(K,Accuracy, colour=Fold),size=3 ) +
  geom_line(aes(K, Accuracy, colour="Moving Average"), linetype="twodash", MeanK) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(1, max(OptimumK$K), 1))

As seen in the plot above, we can observe that prediction accuracy of our algorithm is in the range of 88%-95% for all fields and decreasing from K=3 onwards. It appears that we can observe highest consistent accuracy results on K=1 (3 is also a good alternative).

4. Predicting based on Top 1 Nearest Neighbors.

4.1 Model Accuracy

# Predictions over our Test sample
test <- OriginalTest
K <- 1
test$Prediction <- mapply(KnnL2Prediction, test$x, test$y,K)

# We calculate accuracy
test$Match <- ifelse(test$Class == test$Prediction, 1, 0)
Accuracy <- round(sum(test$Match)/nrow(test),4)
print(paste("Accuracy of ",Accuracy*100,"%",sep=""))

As seen by the results above, we can expect to “guess the correct class” 93% of the times.

4.2 Test Data Prediction

4.2.1 Original Colored Test Values

ggplot() + 
  geom_tile(data=test,mapping=aes(x, y), alpha=0) +
  geom_point(data=test,mapping=aes(x,y,colour=Class),size=3 ) + 
  scale_color_manual(values=colsdot) +
  xlab('X') + ylab('Y') + ggtitle('Test Data')+

4.2.1 Predicted Colored Test Values

ggplot() + 
  geom_tile(data=test,mapping=aes(x, y), alpha=0) +
  geom_point(data=test,mapping=aes(x,y,colour=Prediction),size=3 ) + 
  scale_color_manual(values=colsdot) +
  xlab('X') + ylab('Y') + ggtitle('Test Data')+

As seen in the plot above it seems even though our algorithm correctly classified most of the data points, it failed with some of them (marked in red).

4.2.1 Decision Limits

Finally, we can visualize our “decision limits” over our original Test Dataset. This provides a good visual approximation as how well our model is classifying our data and which are the limits of it’s classification space.

# We calculate background colors
x_coord = seq(min(train[,1]) - 0.02,max(train[,1]) + 0.02,length.out = 40)
y_coord = seq(min(train[,2]) - 0.02,max(train[,2]) + 0.02, length.out = 40)
coord = expand.grid(x = x_coord, y = y_coord)
coord[['prob']] = mapply(KnnL2Prediction, coord$x, coord$y,K)

# We calculate predictions and plot decition area
colsdot <- c("Blue" = "blue", "Red" = "darkred", "Green" = "darkgreen")
colsfill <- c("Blue" = "#aaaaff", "Red" = "#ffaaaa", "Green" = "#aaffaa")
ggplot() + 
  geom_tile(data=coord,mapping=aes(x, y, fill=prob), alpha=0.8) +
  geom_point(data=test,mapping=aes(x,y, colour=Class),size=3 ) + 
  scale_color_manual(values=colsdot) +
  scale_fill_manual(values=colsfill) +
  xlab('X') + ylab('Y') + ggtitle('Decision Limits')+

As seen above, the colored region represent which areas our algorithm would define as being a “colored data point”. It’s visible why it failed to correctly clasify some of them.

5. Final Thoughts

K-Nearest Neighbors is a very simple algorithm which seems to provide very good results. Even though we can clearly classify items by eye here, this model also works in cases of higher dimensions where we cannot simply observe them by naked eye. For this to work, we need to have a Train data sample with existing classifications, which we will later use to classify data around it, meaning it’s a supervised machine learning algorithm.

Sadly, this method presents some difficulties in scenarios such as in the presence of complex patterns which cannot be represented by simple radial distance, like in the cases of radial or nested clusters. It also has the problem of performance, since for every classification of a new data point, we need to compare it to every single point in our Train data which is resource and time intensive, since it requires replication and iteration of the complete training dataset.